Page name: Christmas Competition 2016 entries [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-02-05 01:04:04
Last author: Alexi Ice
Owner: Alexi Ice
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Christmas Competition



Greetings, and welcome to Elftown's official Christmas Competition!


Moderated by the Elftown Council

Please place all entries for the Christmas competition in the correct categories below. Feel free to invite others to the competition and compete in any or all categories. The theme is Winter Wonderland! Have fun.

Poetry Submissions

1.) [Mortified Penguin] - "Fuck Winter"

I tug at the threads,
Legs like a heron,
Long in these shorts.
Winter spreads,
The fields are barren,
The earth is scorched.
Winter, she's cold,
But still I push on.
"Please don't," I'm told,
Yet, the Winter wind moans.
I'm deep in the season,
My sword to the hilt,
With no rhyme or reason,
I end this verse.

Winter gets into it
As I get into her.
Sword at the slit,
So hot the eggs shirr.
Now Winter is coming,
Here at the end,
My drum is drumming,
It finally begins.
The finishing touches,
The final moves,
Some furious thrusting,
My mettle proves.
The mountains are coated,
Thick and white.
Winter is doted,
I say goodnight.

2.) [pelv13] - Playin' Hookey

While the world busies itself digging,
I look and laugh, happily swigging
Down chocolate (like it comes from the faucet).
They push their cars in earmuffs and mittens;
I read my new book and play with the kittens.
All these poor saps are heading to work.
I've called in sick, my boss is a jerk!
As their eyes glaze watching the clock
I'll lay in bed and play with my... sock.

3.) [Alexi Ice] - In the Winter

He loved me in the winter
When summer turned to snow
We met upon a happenstance
And our love was one to know

I made him fire
As he thawed my ice
His brilliance burned like embers
Bright enough to look twice

Maybe part of me feared him
And the way he broke me down
Then brick by brick built me up
From my shattered place upon the ground

And though he loved me deeply
I feared every day he would leave
And realize that my heart could not be
Something so easily retrieved.

His fight to keep me focused
Was a valiant one indeed
He suffered on the path of yearning
To fulfill every single need

He loved me in the winter
He became my sun
And though his journey was ending
Mine had scarcely yet begun.

So he left me in the springtime
Before the leaves began to bloom
And I was left with nothing but memories
Haunting at his tomb.

He left me with some scars
They were cracked and bleeding
And though I tried my best to heal them
It was him that I was needing.

Photography submissions

1.) [Mortified Penguin] - "Frosty Bush"

2.) [pelv13] - "Purple Glaze"


3.) [Angelis Nightfall] - " Checking His List"

4.) [Skydancer] "Snow Birds"


5.) [Delta Operator] "Heavy Laden"


Art submissions

1.) [JajaJulie] - "Penguin Hot Chocolate"

"A Helping Hand"

2.) "Kazurramah's Mistletoe" (and my character Sylvanus being whiney xD)

Username (or number or email):


2015-12-11 [JajaJulie]: Yay, Christmas competition! <img:44166_1164145221.gif>

2015-12-11 [Alexi Ice]: So excited for an entry!!

2015-12-11 [JajaJulie]: Can't wait to see the others! <img:44166_1164144907.gif>

2015-12-17 [Alexi Ice]: Mort I do not think I've ever laughed so hard in my life dear god.

2015-12-20 [Mortified Penguin]: It is a pretty funny looking bush.

2015-12-31 [pelv13]: i am not sure if i like this one... i may go out again (if the light is better outside tomorrow)... does purple equate to wonder? maybe...

2015-12-31 [Alexi Ice]: You can enter a couple of entries

2016-01-09 [The Dizzy Raven]: Anyone alive? lol

2016-01-09 [Alexi Ice]: Invite any active friends you have! I need to make my entry (;

2016-01-09 [Alexi Ice]: I just invited like 10,000 people and it is beautiful. Lol.

2016-01-09 [Mortified Penguin]: Dammit, Pelv! I was going to win both those sections, but you just HAD to enter something, didn't you?! Now what am I supposed to do, submit something better?!

2016-01-09 [Mortified Penguin]: Also, you can use Every Single Member of Elftown to invite Every Single Member of Elftown... up until around 2014 or so.

To copy all of them, you'll have to edit the page and then select them all there, since the page itself doesn't display all of them.

2016-01-09 [Mortified Penguin]: And here's the rest of 'em that have joined since I made that other wiki.

2016-01-09 [The Dizzy Raven]: lol

2016-01-12 [Alexi Ice]: Yay more entries!

2016-01-12 [Mortified Penguin]: Not yay. >:(

2016-01-12 [The Dizzy Raven]: lmfao

2016-01-12 [Nuktae-tal]: I have nothing to enter but good luck everyone who did!

2016-01-14 [Alexi Ice]: I need to hurry and get mine in!

2016-01-26 [Alexi Ice]: More entries!~ YAY!

2016-01-27 [Alexi Ice]: My poem sucks but it may just be a placeholder. LOL. I can do better I swear.

2016-01-28 [JajaJulie]: I think it's a lovely poem. :]

2016-02-05 [Alexi Ice]: Thank you! I'm back ! Let the contest closing commence. Voting will begin soon. Thank you to everyone who participated!

2016-02-05 [Alexi Ice]: I am sad I forgot to upload my photo. LOL. Oh well.

2016-02-20 [Angelis Nightfall]: When will we know the winner is [Alexi Ice]?

2016-02-24 [Alexi Ice]: Sorry guys! I've been moving and am just now moderatly settled in! I should be able to work on setting up polls next week! Sorry I have vanished for so long

2016-02-24 [Nuktae-tal]: Why did you leave usss!!!!

2016-02-26 [Alexi Ice]: I blame my respitory infection and recent move (; so sorry guys!!

2016-02-26 [Nuktae-tal]: nnnoooooo no the infections!!! why is everyone getting respiratory infections? half of my family had that too!

2016-02-28 [Alexi Ice]: I have no idea but it is miserable! Ugh

2016-02-29 [Nuktae-tal]: hope you get better pretty quickly!

2016-02-29 [Alexi Ice]: Thank you! <3

2016-02-29 [Mortified Penguin]: You're welcome!

2016-03-01 [Angelis Nightfall]: Yea just get better and stay safe! My daughter has cystic fibrosis and getting an infection like that for her would be nearly so I understand needing to get better first.

2016-03-17 [Alexi Ice]: Photography poll is on mainstreet! <3 GO VOTE!!!

2016-07-04 [pelv13]: it's the fourth of july now... i was wondering if there was any progress towards concluding this, and perhaps starting something up for summer and/or fall... 

2016-07-04 [The Dizzy Raven]: ET is dead... at this point I wouldn't expect anything to be on time. Updates and announcements will always be late.

The owner is letting this place crash, it seems, too.
I hardly get on here anymore now. I've about given up hope.

2016-07-04 [pelv13]: wondering isn't precisely expecting... *shrugs*

2016-07-05 [Nuktae-tal]: I haven't given up hope. I haven't given up on elftown either.

2016-07-06 [Alexi Ice]: Hey guys I'm soooo sorry!!! I have the winners for the art and photo part and need to pass out badges and make a poll for the poetry competition. I've been hit with life like a truck (illness and several deaths in the family) so it is taking me wayyy longer than I expected. I have one week left of overtime and then I will have time to finish (these11 hour shifts are not giving me too much downtime) and it's near impossible to do anything on my phone. Don't give up on ET!!

2016-07-06 [Mortified Penguin]: Once I finalize and release my Elftown app, using your phone to give me badges should be a lot easier.


2016-07-07 [Paul Doyle]: If it's any encouragement, it is currently winter in the Southern Hemisphere, so the season is correct for 50% of the planet's geographical area. Mort's app needs a phaser-stun button.

2016-07-09 [pelv13]: i'm not giving up... so sorry to hear that your life has been hard... i understand completely...

2016-08-26 [JajaJulie]: So have the winners been declared and badges been given out yet?

2016-09-15 [Alexi Ice]: I have badges out (: The poll for poetry competition is going up on Mainstreet as well! Thank you all!

2016-09-15 [Mortified Penguin]: The Christmas competiton link on <news:Winners of the Christmas competition 2016> goes nowhere (you forgot the 'i').

2016-09-17 [Alexi Ice]: Thanks babe

2016-09-19 [Delta Operator]: Good job everybody. Hope a new one is on the way!

2016-09-21 [JajaJulie]: Thank you :]

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